

Created by Gindie - LudiBooster

This is a project manager page for Lost Loot Campaign and second wave from the original one.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The road map to Lost Loot
over 6 years ago – Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 04:49:35 PM

Hi Enchanters,

First of all, let us say sorry for the silence on this channel. When the campaign ended we were away for the holidays and unable to post an update. Once we came back we found out, that we need to update our schedule and few days passed until we did just that. 

But now we’re back... and we are so grateful for all your help. Thanks to you we’re back on track with secured finances to send games to everybody and to think about the expansions for the game.

So what’s the plan?

We are in the middle of setting up the pledge manager. This time we’re going with Backerkit as it allows Stripe as the payment method. We plan to have it up and running in next two weeks. From there we think it’ll take us a month to get all the addresses and shipment payments.

Starting March we will send the first batch of Los Loot - these copies will be sent alongside the second batch from the original campaign.

Last but not least. Have a great 2018! Keep your items enchanted and expect another update soon.

You guys are awesome! 100% in 24h!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 11:51:23 PM


You’ve done it!

When the sky was falling on our heads, you came to the rescue. It was an emotional rollercoaster really. From the highs when the first campaign proved to be a success to lows when the whole Paypal crisis happened, and it turned out we need to pour more money into it. It caught us right amidst planning for the new expansion, we had our first concepts ready, we were excited about new ideas, and then “BAM… your account is frozen.”

We’re lucky to have Iraklis from LudiCreations on our team. The whole campaign was his idea: the remaining copies, the promo card, the video. He gave us a good peptalk. He’s a great guy and we need to give him credit for that.

But to be honest when starting up the campaign yesterday in my wildest dreams I never thought we will get 100% in 24h. It melts our hearts to see how much support you gave us. 

This 100% is the minimum we needed to get things done. We might need more, but that we can manage. All the excess money we will invest in bringing you the expansion for the game.

Before it turned out we don’t have the money, we found two illustrators, who can maintain the style and the quality of the base game. We already gave them assignments, to have some artwork ready, while we test new decks and plan for the next campaign. We will be able to resume this work thanks to you.

In short what you funded today is not only the shipping, but the will to fight, hope that no matter what happens there is always a way. 

You guys are just awesome! Thank you so much!